رديف |
آدرس سايت
و يا لينك ثبت شده سايت ايران هيدرولوژي |
ورود |
خروج |
بازديد |
گروه |
زبان |
941 |
Water Quality Association (WQA)
Water Quality Association (WQA) The Water Quality Association (WQA) is the international trade association representing the household, commercial, and industrial water quality improvement industry. Apparently, links can no longer be made to individual articles. Use the search engine to locate articles of interest - try; cryptosporidium, trihalomethanes, lead, water contamination, etc. URL: http://www.wqa.org/
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كيفيت آب |
انگليسي |
942 |
WaterNet - The information source for water treatment professionals Search Water Treatment Archives for topics of interest. The content changes regularly, but the past articles tend to be archived. Enter topics of interest- cryptosporidium, lead, bottled water, etc. URL: http://www.waternet.com/
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موتورهاي جستجو |
انگليسي |
943 |
USDA Oregon/Washington Snow Surveys
USDA Oregon/Washington Snow Surveys URL: http://crystal.or.nrcs.usda.gov/snowsurveys
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
944 |
Water Wiser - The Water Efficiency Clearing..
Water Wiser - The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse URL: http://www.waterwiser.org/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
945 |
Water Strategist Community
Water Strategist Community - The place for water information and idea exchange URL: http://www.waterchat.com/
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دروس آنلاين |
انگليسي |
946 |
Water Resources Research Laboratory - USA
Water Resources Research Laboratory - USA URL: http://www.usbr.gov/wrrl/wrrl.html
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
947 |
Water Resources Research Center
Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona URL: http://ag.arizona.edu/AZWATER/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
948 |
Water Resources Centre - USA
Water Resources Centre - USA URL: http://research.ucsb.edu/connect/res/reswater.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
949 |
Water Research Unit - Palestine
Water Research Unit - Palestine URL: http://www.arij.org/water/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
950 |
Water Research Institute - Israel
Water Research Institute - Israel URL: http://wri.technion.ac.il/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
951 |
Water Partners International
WaterPartners International is a non-profit organization that addresses the water supply and sanitation needs of people living in developing countries. We promote innovative and cost-effective community water projects that have the greatest chance for long-term success. We help people understand the impact of safe water--life's most basic commodity--on the quality of life URL: http://www.water.org/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
952 |
US-National Water Quality Database (NWQD)
The National Water Quality Database is an information management tool for locating water quality and waste management educational resources created by the 50 State Cooperative Extension Services. You can search by category (i.e. Drinking Water Quality) or by state. Alternate link to The National Extension Water Quality Database with a different interface. URL: http://hermes.ecn.purdue.edu:8001/server/water/bib/brow
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كيفيت آب |
انگليسي |
953 |
USGS Library
USGS Library URL: http://library.usgs.gov/
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كتب هيدرولوژي |
انگليسي |
954 |
The Universities Water Information Network disseminates information of interest to the water resources community and all concerned with our water resources. Use the Quick Search function, check the database(s) you wish to search, and input key words of interest, i.e. chlorine, disinfection, water contamination, water quality, etc. Also check out the WetList - The subject list includes: Hydrology, Surface Water, Groundwater, Water Use/Demand, Water Quality, Management and Planning, Educational, General Environmental Topics, Water Supply, Discussion Forum. URL: http://www.uwin.siu.edu/
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بانكهاي اطلاعاتي |
انگليسي |
955 |
Jobs with the USA Government
The U.S. government is one of the largest employers in the world. Go to this Office of Personnel Management site to find out more about how you can get in on the action; make sure to see the special sections on summer, entry-level, and worker-trainee jobs. Also be sure to go to the special sites for the Student Educational Employment Program and the Student Volunteer Service. If you are ready for a career with the Federal government check out the U.S. Government's official site for jobs and employment information. URL: http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/
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مسائل اقتصادي آب |
انگليسي |
956 |
The State Hydrological Institute (SHI) - Russ
The State Hydrological Institute (SHI) - Russia URL: http://pyramid.sr.unh.edu/~sasha/shi.com/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
957 |
Geographic Learning Site
The State Department offers you a fun and informational way to learn about the exciting world of current international affairs URL: http://geography.state.gov/htmls/statehome.html
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سايتهاي طبقه بندي شده |
انگليسي |
958 |
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club: Protecting the Environment... For Our Families, For Our Future URL: http://www.sierraclub.org/
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سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
959 |
The Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Wate
The Regional Humid Tropics Hydrology and Water Resources Centre for South-East Asia and the Pacific URL: http://agrolink.moa.my/jps/regcent/regcent.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
960 |
TreeLink - Resources for urban and community forestry URL: http://www.treelink.org/
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سايتهاي ديگر |
انگليسي |