رديف |
آدرس سايت
و يا لينك ثبت شده سايت ايران هيدرولوژي |
ورود |
خروج |
بازديد |
گروه |
زبان |
931 |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services. CDC Mission - To promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability. CDC search engine URL: http://www.cdc.gov/
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سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
932 |
Water and Climate Center
Water and Climate Center URL: http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/
() |
اقليم شناسي |
انگليسي |
933 |
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WE
Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC) - UK URL: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/cv/wedc/irrig.htm
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
934 |
Yahoo Science: Earth Sciences: Hydrology:
Yahoo Science: Earth Sciences: Hydrology: Water Resources URL: http://www.yahoo.com/Science/Earth_Sciences/Hydrology
() |
سايتهاي طبقه بندي شده |
انگليسي |
935 |
WWW Virtual Library - Earth Sciences
WWW Virtual Library - Earth Sciences URL: http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/VL-EarthSciences.html
() |
كتب هيدرولوژي |
انگليسي |
936 |
Hydrology and Water Resources Department
World Meteorological Organization - Hydrology and Water Resources Department URL: http://www.wmo.ch/
() |
اقليم شناسي |
انگليسي |
937 |
Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Drinking Water and Groundwater;earch on 'drinking water' or other topics of interest to discover information about the state of water in Wisconsin. URL: http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/water/dwg/
() |
هيدروژئولوژي |
انگليسي |
938 |
US-Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC)
Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) URL: http://wrcc.sage.dri.edu/
() |
اقليم شناسي |
انگليسي |
939 |
National Extension Water Quality Database
Welcome to the Purdue - CSREES-USDA Water Quality Information Management Project. You have computer access to educational materials prepared by Extension Specialists from throughout the United States. Purdue - CSREES-USDA Water Quality Information Management Project Search Tool URL: http://hermes.ecn.purdue.edu:8001/server/water/water.ht
() |
كيفيت آب |
انگليسي |
940 |
Web Resources for Teachers
Web Resources for USA Teachers - Links to teaching resources from Simon Fraser University faculty URL: http://www.educ.sfu.ca/home/links.html
() |
سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
941 |
Water Quality Association (WQA)
Water Quality Association (WQA) The Water Quality Association (WQA) is the international trade association representing the household, commercial, and industrial water quality improvement industry. Apparently, links can no longer be made to individual articles. Use the search engine to locate articles of interest - try; cryptosporidium, trihalomethanes, lead, water contamination, etc. URL: http://www.wqa.org/
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كيفيت آب |
انگليسي |
942 |
WaterNet - The information source for water treatment professionals Search Water Treatment Archives for topics of interest. The content changes regularly, but the past articles tend to be archived. Enter topics of interest- cryptosporidium, lead, bottled water, etc. URL: http://www.waternet.com/
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موتورهاي جستجو |
انگليسي |
943 |
USDA Oregon/Washington Snow Surveys
USDA Oregon/Washington Snow Surveys URL: http://crystal.or.nrcs.usda.gov/snowsurveys
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
944 |
Water Wiser - The Water Efficiency Clearing..
Water Wiser - The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse URL: http://www.waterwiser.org/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
945 |
Water Strategist Community
Water Strategist Community - The place for water information and idea exchange URL: http://www.waterchat.com/
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دروس آنلاين |
انگليسي |
946 |
Water Resources Research Laboratory - USA
Water Resources Research Laboratory - USA URL: http://www.usbr.gov/wrrl/wrrl.html
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
947 |
Water Resources Research Center
Water Resources Research Center, University of Arizona URL: http://ag.arizona.edu/AZWATER/
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
948 |
Water Resources Centre - USA
Water Resources Centre - USA URL: http://research.ucsb.edu/connect/res/reswater.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
949 |
Water Research Unit - Palestine
Water Research Unit - Palestine URL: http://www.arij.org/water/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
950 |
Water Research Institute - Israel
Water Research Institute - Israel URL: http://wri.technion.ac.il/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |