رديف |
آدرس سايت
و يا لينك ثبت شده سايت ايران هيدرولوژي |
ورود |
خروج |
بازديد |
گروه |
زبان |
1081 |
Institut national de la recherche scientifiqu
Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) - Canada URL: http://www.inrs-eau.uquebec.ca/index.html
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1082 |
Florida's Springs
Information from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection URL: http://www.floridasprings.org/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1083 |
Environment Canada
Environment Canada We are a science-based government department whose business is helping Canadians live and prosper in an environment that is properly protected and conserved. It's our goal to help make sustainable development a reality in Canada and, by doing so, make our country an example to the world. Clean Water URL: http://www.ec.gc.ca/envhome.html
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1084 |
Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sci
Institute of Hydrology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, (SAS), Slovakia. URL: http://http:/www.ih.savba.sk/ihp/friend5/index.html
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1085 |
Joeanneum Research Institute - Austria
Joeanneum Research Institute - Austria URL: http://www.joanneum.ac.at/ihg
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1086 |
LNEC - Portugal
LNEC - Portugal Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.lnec.pt/LNEC/english.html
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1087 |
Lifewater Canada
Lifewater Canada is a Christian, non-profit organization of people from across Canada who are bound together by a common desire to ensure that people everywhere have access to adequate supplies of safe water. Members include hydrogeologists, well drillers, educators, engineers, environmental scientists, businessmen and many other people with diverse skills and training. URL: http://www.lifewater.ca/ndexman.htm
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1088 |
Library of Congress
Library of USA Congress URL: http://www.loc.gov/
() |
كتب هيدرولوژي |
انگليسي |
1089 |
Leeds Glaciology Group - UK
Leeds Glaciology Group - UK URL: http://www.geog.leeds.ac.uk/research/glaciology/group.h
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1090 |
League of Women Voters' Drinking Water Site
League of Women Voters' Drinking Water Site URL: http://www.lwv.org/drinkingwater
() |
بانكهاي اطلاعاتي |
انگليسي |
1091 |
Latin American Hydrological Programme (UNESCO
Latin American Hydrological Programme (UNESCO) URL: http://www.unesco.org.uy/phi
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1092 |
La Estacin Experimental de Zonas ridas (EEZ
La Estacin Experimental de Zonas ridas (EEZA) - Spain URL: http://www.eeza.csic.es/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1093 |
International Centre for Integrated Mountain
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) - Nepal URL: http://www.icimod.org.sg/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1094 |
World Water Vision
JOIN THE WORLD WATER VISION! Let's ensure a sustainable future for our shared water resources. URL: http://www.watervision.org/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1095 |
IAWQ - Australian National Committee
IAWQ - Australian National Committee URL: http://www.wark.csiro.au/iawq/
() |
شركتها |
انگليسي |
1096 |
IVL - Sweden
IVL - Sweden Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.ivl.se/
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1097 |
IUPWARE - Belgium
IUPWARE - Belgium Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://iupware.vub.ac.be/
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
1098 |
IRSA - Italy
IRSA - Italy Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.irsa.rm.cnr.it/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
1099 |
Irrigation Research Institute - Hungary
Irrigation Research Institute - Hungary URL: http://iri.ince.hu/
() |
آبياري |
انگليسي |
1100 |
Iowa Geological Survey
Iowa Geological Survey URL: http://www.igsb.uiowa.edu/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |