رديف |
آدرس سايت
و يا لينك ثبت شده سايت ايران هيدرولوژي |
ورود |
خروج |
بازديد |
گروه |
زبان |
851 |
Department of Environment and Natural ...
Our mission and objective is to provide environmental and natural resources assessment,financial assistance, and South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources.regulation in a customer service oriented manner which provides protection of public health, conservation of natural resources, preservation of the environment, and promotes economic development. ANNUAL COMPLIANCE REPORT of SOUTH DAKOTA PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM VIOLATIONS URL: http://www.state.sd.us/denr/denr.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
852 |
ORSTOM France website URL: http://www.orstom.fr/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
853 |
National Environmental Methods Index
online clearinghouse of environmental monitoring methods URL: http://www.nemi.gov/
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سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
854 |
one of several government hotlink pages on the Web. URL: http://www.fedworld.gov/
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سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
855 |
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Heal
The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health is an independent professional body which represents around 9,000 members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The majority work for local authorities, but members also work in central government, industry, the armed forces and academia as independent consultants and in positions overseas. URL: http://www.cieh.org.uk/about/index.htm
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سايتهاي عمومي |
انگليسي |
856 |
PROAQUA web site URL: http://www.proaqua.it/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
857 |
UWIN Wetlist
some links to ... URL: http://www.uwin.siu.edu/WaterSites/
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سايتهاي برگزيده علوم آب |
انگليسي |
858 |
Water Resources of the United States
Mission of the Water Resources Division of the The U.S. Geological Survey has the principal responsibility within the Federal Government to provide the hydrologic information and understanding needed by others to achieve the best use and management of the Nation's water resources. URL: http://water.usgs.gov/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
859 |
The Association of State Drinking Water Adm..
The Association of State Drinking Water Administrators (ASDWA)the professional Association serving state drinking water programs. Formed in 1984 to address a growing need for state administrators to have national representation, ASDWA has become a respected voice for state primacy agents with Congress, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other professional organizations. ASDWA's principal activities include... URL: http://www.cyber-nook.com/water/www.asdwa.org
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
860 |
Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA)
Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA) a nonprofit statewide trade association with an active membership consisting of more than 800 municipal utility districts, special utility districts, nonprofit water supply corporations, small-town water departments, investor-owned utilities and individual members. In addition, more than 200 water industry suppliers participate in TRWA activities as associate members. TRWA members provide water and wastewater service to 2.5 million customers. URL: http://www.trwa.org/
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شركتها |
انگليسي |
861 |
Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL) - Swit
Swiss Federal Research Institute (WSL) - Switzerland URL: http://www.wsl.ch/welcome-en.ehtml
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
862 |
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zr
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zrich - Institute of Hydromechanics and Water Resources Management (IHW) URL: http://www.baum.ethz.ch/ihw/institute.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
863 |
Surf Your Watershed
Surf Your Watershed in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.epa.gov/surf/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
864 |
Stockholm International Water Institute
Stockholm International Water Institute URL: http://www.siwi.org/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
865 |
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation
Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation URL: http://www.rmmlf.org/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
866 |
South Carolina Department of Natural Resource
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources:Water Resources Division URL: http://water.dnr.state.sc.us/water/hydro/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
867 |
NTUA - Greece
NTUA - Greece Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.hydro.civil.ntua.gr/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
868 |
Soil, Water, Waste Unit - Italy
Soil, Water, Waste Unit - Italy URL: http://www.ei.jrc.it/sww/intro/index.html
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
869 |
Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC)
Soil Survey and Land Research Centre (SSLRC) Cranfield University - UK URL: http://www.silsoe.cranfield.ac.uk/sslrc/
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مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
870 |
Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS)
Soil & Water Conservation Society (SWCS) URL: http://www.swcs.org/
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موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |