رديف |
آدرس سايت
و يا لينك ثبت شده سايت ايران هيدرولوژي |
ورود |
خروج |
بازديد |
گروه |
زبان |
831 |
طرح تحقيقات صنعتي آموزش و اطلاع رساني
وزارت صنايع و معدن URL: http://www.irtip.com
0 |
0 |
- |
مراكز تحقيقاتي ايران |
فارسي |
832 |
پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي
URL: http://www.risstudies.org
0 |
0 |
- |
پژوهشي |
فارسي |
833 |
پژوهشكده آمار
URL: http://www.src.ac.ir
0 |
0 |
- |
مراكز تحقيقاتي ايران |
فارسي |
834 |
مركز افكارسنجي دانشجويان جهاد دانشگاهي
جهاد دانشگاهي URL: http://www.ispa.ir
0 |
0 |
- |
انجمنها و موسسات ايراني |
فارسي |
835 |
Detroit News
Use search engine with topics of interest, i.e. drinking water, lead, etc. You can also search the Archives URL: http://www.detnews.com/
() |
موتورهاي جستجو |
انگليسي |
836 |
The International Joint Commission
(IJC) - assists governments in finding solutions to problems in the rivers and lakes which lie along, or flow across, the border between the United States and Canada. URL: http://www.ijc.org/
() |
رودخانه |
انگليسي |
837 |
Christian water specialists in the United States and Canada
a non-profit organization of Christian water specialists in the United States and Canada. We have over 100 volunteer well drillers, hydrogeologists, mechanical engineers, environmental scientists and businessmen. Lifewater's volunteers travel to developing countries and train nationals to improve their water supplies. We leave all necessary equipment with a trained crew and continue to provide technical and financial support. The national crews are then able to share the free gift of clean water with their neighbors and break the cycle of disease and poverty caused by unsafe drinking water. URL: http://www.lifewater.org/lwhome/lwhome.htm
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
838 |
Polish Geological Institute - Poland
Polish Geological Institute - Poland URL: http://www.pgi.waw.pl/en/BH/bh01_en.htm
() |
كتب هيدرولوژي |
انگليسي |
839 |
Office of Water
Office of Water in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency URL: http://www.epa.gov/ow/index.html
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
840 |
CEDEX - Spain
Research Institutes in Hydrology in Spain URL: http://www.cedex.es/hidrograficos/hidrograficos.html
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
841 |
Research Institutes in Hydrology Bavarian Cooperation for Research on Regional Climate Changes (BayFORKLIM) - Germany URL: http://www.bayforklim.uni-muenchen.de/
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
842 |
BfG - Germany
Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.bafg.de
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
843 |
BAW - Austria
Research Institutes in Hydrology URL: http://www.baw.bmlf.gv.at/
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
844 |
Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protec
Research Institute for Hydrogeological Protection in Central Italy - Italy URL: http://www.irpi.pg.cnr.it/wwwirpi/welcomeen.html
() |
مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
845 |
Renewable Natural Resources Foundation
Renewable Natural Resources Foundation in USA. URL: http://members.aol.com/rnrf/
() |
موسسات و... بين المللي |
انگليسي |
846 |
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London - UK URL: http://endjinn.soas.ac.uk/geography/waterissues/
() |
مسائل اقتصادي آب |
انگليسي |
847 |
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) - Germany URL: http://www.pik-potsdam.de/
() |
اقليم شناسي، مراكز تحقيقاتي جهان |
انگليسي |
848 |
Scientific American On Line
Scientific American On Line - Many interesting articles from the world of science. URL: http://www.sciam.com/
() |
كتب هيدرولوژي |
انگليسي |
849 |
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) is a national organization of over 15,000 health care professionals and supporters which was founded in 1961. PSR works to address the public health effects of weapons of mass destruction, environmental degradation and community violence. With its international affiliate, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, PSR received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons. Check the Resource Links page. URL: http://www.psrus.org/
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مسائل اقتصادي آب |
انگليسي |
850 |
Physical Sciences Information Gateway URL: http://www.psigate.ac.uk/
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بانكهاي اطلاعاتي |
انگليسي |