Use of Water Harvesting in Combat Desertification

11/29/2004 6:01:09 AM


Use of Water Harvesting in Combat Desertification



  M. shirani. M.Sc Desert Regions  Management

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 On the based of UN definition, desertification is land degradation in arid, semi arid regions by influence of climatic changes & man made.

On the base of universal arid plan only a little part of Iran in north has humid climate and more than 65% of it is arid and hyper arid that some of the factors that affect on land to desertification are increase of population, forest, range, water resources and agricultural degradations, mining, rural and urban development.

Desertification is a result of complex effects of physic chemical, biological, economic, social & politic factors in local, National, regional and international levels.

Reclamation of plant and de-desertification is a vital practice to sustainable development and this approach wouldn’t happen if we don’t manage water resources.

One of the best method to water resource’s management in arid region is water harvesting this method is an ancient work in arid regions of Iran.

Understanding of water limitation enforces people to sustainable use of rainfall to cultivation of plant. In this paper we try to introduce different systems of water harvesting as method to reclamation of arid regions.